7 Amazing Alternatives For Sugar

If there were a Sugar Anonymous group a few years ago, I would have been a member who bashfully stated their name quoting “I’m a sugarholic.”

My change in diet has stopped my abnormally high cravings for sugar fuelled foods.  Don’t get me wrong; I still have times I eat one too many Choc And Orange Every Day bite.  But since changing the way I eat, I can now have one of my home-made sweet treats safe in the knowledge that it won’t keep me craving more and more in the way my sugary snacks used to.

I learned to make quick and delicious treats with much healthier ingredients and no longer buy shop bought sugary foods filled with ingredients that are terrible for my health.

I now mostly eat my homemade sweet desserts or snacks.  Don’t get me wrong they must still taste fantastic and naughty even, giving me no reason to go back to the way I ate before.  But I’m now satisfied afterward and I no longer feel guilty after eating them as I make them with healthier, healing ingredients.  Happy days!

Here is a list of the amazing natural sweeteners I use to replace sugar:

1. Maple Syrup (100% organic & dark colored only)

  • The no.1 sweetener I use as it is perfect for baking, marinades and sauces such as my walnut, raisin & banana bread
  • Has anti-cancer, antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-diabetic properties as well as manganese, zinc, and calcium
  • Better blood sugar control – Improves body sensitivity to the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin
  • Note: If you are a vegan that doesn’t consume honey, this is a great replacement

2. Honey (Unpasteurized and unfiltered, raw honey only)

  • Good in tea and uncooked dishes such as my Choc & Orange Everyday Bites (cooking can reduce antioxidants)
  • Has vitamin C, D, E, K, B-complex, and Beta-carotene, fights respiratory infections and provides relief from seasonal allergies
  • Lower glycemic index than sugar

3. Medjool Dates (Or date syrup as a sugar replacement)

  • One of my favorite things!  I tend to use in baking, such as my Nuts & Seeds Choc Cookies, gluten-free bread or cookies as well as smoothies & gluten-free cereals
  • Supports digestion, balances blood sugar and can help colds and the flu
  • High in fiber and potassium and a good source of protein and minerals such as magnesium, selenium, and zinc

4. Yacon syrup

  • Great in raw dishes such as energy bites, gluten-free cereals or even warm drinks (although not cooked to keep its’ healing properties intact)
  • Boosts your immune system, helps digestion and inflammation and can stimulate weight loss by reducing appetite

5. Coconut palm sugar

  • I mainly only use this just for a slightly healthier form of decoration for a treat, where I used to sprinkle brown sugar
  • High in potassium and vitamin C and low fructose level

6. Unsweetened apple sauce

  • I use this in my baked goods as it has a great taste while allowing me to use less oil
  • It contains vitamin C as well as fiber in the form of pectin, making me feel fuller

7. Bananas 

  • These are amazing in baked goods, as the sweetness of the bananas comes out after baking, reducing the need for other sweeteners.  You’ll see my banana loaf coming soon, which is one of my favorite treats!
  • Rich in healthy B-vitamins that help maintain a healthy metabolism and nervous system, and they have plenty of antioxidants to protect you from chronic disease.

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