Chocolate Cookies (Vegan, GF, Paleo, No Refined Sugar)

Chocolate cookies are one of my favorite things.  I have been on a quest to develop the perfect chocolate cookie recipe that is both delicious and made of healing ingredients, as store-bought cookies tend to be packed with preservatives, additives, hard to digest grains and refined sugars that can cause havoc to my body.

I’m English, so I grew up having a cup of tea with a cookie at the end of the evening.  I always preferred a crunchy cookie that wasn’t too hard, but certainly not too soft, just in case I had the urge to dunk it into my tea before taking a bite (it’s an English thing!)

Chocolate Cookies (2)

I’ve therefore developed this delicious recipe.  It took a few attempts, but I have finally got there.

So why should you make these cookies too?

Because they’re:

  • Delicious
  • Easy to make
  • Quick – they take 30 minutes
  • Free from refined sugar
  • Plant-based
  • Free from gluten
  • Protein rich with 6g per cookie
  • Full of Omega 3
  • Free from additives and preservatives

Yes – food just got REAL!

What is not to like?  Just eight ingredients!  I sometimes enjoy one of these cookies as a post workout treat, whipping them up before my workout so they have cooled by time it is over.

If you are having trouble sourcing the nut flours, you can always swap the almond flour and hazelnut flour for simply almonds and hazelnuts.  Just process the nuts first before adding the rest of the ingredients to the processor.

Have quinoa grain and not the flour?  You can always toast quinoa in a skillet until it begins to pop, then cool, blend for a minute and sieve to remove the large chunks.  Then add 1 cup of the remaining home-made, quinoa flour to the food processor.

As I have said in previous posts, maple syrup gives you better blood sugar control, plus it doesn’t go straight to your liver, but gets digested first. Therefore, it signals to the brain that you’re full, unlike regular sugar.

I LOVE this recipe – bites of chocolate, nutty heaven.  Enjoy. Dx

Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Cookies (Vegan, GF, Clean)
Chocolate flavored cookies free from gluten, processed food, additives and animal ingredients - plus full of Omega 3 and 6g of protein
AuthorThe NutriGirl
No. servings:12Prep Time:10 minsCook Time:20 mins



  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius/ 350 degrees fahrenheit. Line a large tray with parchment paper and grease with a little coconut oil.
  2. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor along with 1/4 cup of water and mix until all of the mixture is sticking together.
  3. Take the mixture and either use a medium sized cookie cutter or squash the mixture with a solid spatula into about twelve circles. Place them all onto the baking tray.
  4. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes. Then take out and leave to cool.


  • Based on Deliciously Ella Chocolate Chia Cookies

Nutritional Information

Calories250kcalTotal Fat16gSaturated Fat4gCarbs26gSugars16gProtein6gDietary Fiber4gSodium6mg

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